A Brand Spankin’ New Website

September 25, 2013 Written by Kalin

Today we’re happy to launch the much, much needed new version of the Majestic Imaging website.  The effort has been an extremely long time coming, as many of our clients over the years have noted.


Majestic Imaging has been fortunate for many years to rely on nothing but word of mouth to bring in new clients.  We have always gone above and beyond for our clients, and they’ve let their friends, families, and business associates know.  For that we are extremely grateful and appreciative!


The result has been a constant and growing client base, which has always been our focus instead of our own work or projects.  It’s the same reason a successful accountant often leaves his paperwork to do last, or a reliable plumber can’t quite seem to get his own sink fixed as long as there’s emergencies elsewhere to tend to.


This process has brought us a healthy reminder of why its so important to choose a reliable company, such as Majestic Imaging, to take care of your website and related tasks for you.


If you’re a busy professional, a successful company, a hopeful startup, or some combination of all those, you no doubt understand the importance of focus.  Having to juggle a site yourself plus all its related services and integrations isn’t where your time will be best spent.  Your clients want results, which you can provide and invoice for.  We work the same way and understand the process and its results.


When you need a great team you can trust to handle the entire online face of your business so you can focus on your own clients, we’re here to help.